End of the Month Report for February 2025
Black Butte:
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 163720 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 176830 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 203 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 6.83 Inches
New Hogan:
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 1678 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 24482 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 238 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 4.40 Inches
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 45 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 7545 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 92 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 2.94 Inches
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 29 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 6177 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 61 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 1.78 Inches
Pine Flat:
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 4510 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 62679 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 279 Acre-Feet
Total Natural Flow at Pine Flat .... 62282 Acre-Feet
Total Flow at Mill & Hughes Creek .. 69881 Acre-Feet
Total Natural Flow at Piedra ....... 64121 Acre-Feet
E.O.M. Storage at Wishon ........... ---- Acre-Feet
E.o.m. Storage at Courtright ....... ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 3.16 Inches
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 4236 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 29203 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 91 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 3.24 Inches
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 3258 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 16251 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 63 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 2.07 Inches
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 10774 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 32246 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 709 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 4.38 Inches
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 24879 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 37893 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 87 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 7.62 Inches
Warm Springs:
E.O.M. Pool Elevation .............. ---- Feet
E.O.M. Storage ..................... ---- Acre-Feet
Change in Storage .................. ---- Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Outflow .............. 43104 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Inflow ............... 72915 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Gross Evap ........... 119 Acre-Feet
Total Monthly Precipitation ........ 11.90 Inches
Date This Report Generated: 19 FEB 2025 @ 0305
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