COE Ten Year Average Storage Data Ending 2400 hours 03 DEC 2024
Report Generated 04 DEC 2024 @ 23:10
Sacramento District Sacramento, California
Ten Year Averages - COE Projects
Storage in Acre-Feet
Black New Pine
Date Butte Hogan Buchanan Hidden Flat
03DEC2015 26649 24371 10447 4765 133215
03DEC2016 36586 77197 11608 17583 211213
03DEC2017 33480 153319 86363 16703 477986
03DEC2018 22178 150925 61038 13684 276795
03DEC2019 29851 147357 68963 21630 420270
03DEC2020 18429 133005 10926 13634 207885
03DEC2021 36546 88207 9132 7574 231661
03DEC2022 30188 49531 9138 5375 176255
03DEC2023 35159 174859 92059 12713 573467
03DEC2024 37924 168360 71072 16471 419601
Ten Year
Averages 30699 116713 43075 13013 312835
Storage on
03DEC2024 37924 168360 71072 16471 419601
Percent of
Ten Year
Average 123.5 144.3 165.0 126.6 134.1
Date Terminus Success Isabella Coyote Springs
03DEC2015 21712 4060 30387 26847 163813
03DEC2016 13184 4967 88379 51264 217355
03DEC2017 22251 9137 166552 64154 -NR-
03DEC2018 14458 8155 66511 56257 186512
03DEC2019 17999 5858 167854 65332 206917
03DEC2020 10164 6217 97380 30952 164176
03DEC2021 25505 9113 49792 20965 120839
03DEC2022 16342 7202 38909 36883 96972
03DEC2023 22312 11065 202442 59730 218281
03DEC2024 25475 13698 154504 62592 254151
Ten Year
Averages 18940 7947 106271 47498 181002
Storage on
03DEC2024 25475 13698 154504 62592 254151
Percent of
Ten Year
Average 134.5 172.4 145.4 131.8 140.4
COE System Storage = 139.4
Central Valley Storage = 161.6
as percentage of Ten Year Average System Storage on 03DEC2024
NOTE: System Storage excludes Englebright and Martis Creek, and
Central Valley additionally excludes Coyote & Warm Springs
COE Reservoir Data Ending 2400 hours 03 DEC 2024
Report Generated 04 DEC 2024 @ 23:10
Sacramento District Sacramento, California
Storage in Acre-Feet
Current Gross Pool Top of Cons Percent of Percent of
Storage Storage Storage Gross Pool Conservation
(acft) (acft) (acft) Storage Storage
Black Butte: 37924 136200 29800 27.8 127.3
New Hogan: 168360 317100 152100 53.1 110.7
Buchanan: 71072 150000 105000 47.4 67.7
Hidden: 16471 90000 25000 18.3 65.9
Pine Flat: 419601 1000000 649705 42.0 64.6
Terminus: 25475 185600 9825 13.7 259.3
Success: 13698 82300 11095 16.6 123.5
Isabella: 154504 568100 170000 27.2 90.9
Englebright: 65278 70000 N/A 93.3 N/A
Martis Cr.: 876 20400 800 4.3 109.5
Coyote: 62592 116500 68410 53.7 91.5
Warm Springs: 254151 381000 245000 66.7 103.7
_______ _______ _______ _____ _____
Totals 1290002 3117200 1466735 41.4 88.0
_______ _______ _______ _____ _____
Totals ** 1223848 3026800 1465935 40.4 83.5
_______ _______ _______ _____ _____
Totals *** 907105 2529300 1152525 35.9 78.7
** Totals without Englebright and Martis Creek
*** Totals for Central Valley Projects only
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